
sign, endorse; slip of paper

HSK 4 #1254


  • sign, endorse
  • slip of paper
  • to sign one's name
  • visa
  • variant of 籤|签[qian1]
  • Japanese variant of 籤|签[qian1]
  • inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc)
  • small wood sliver
  • label
  • tag


签 stroke order diagram
签 stroke order animation


jù qiān to refuse (a visa application etc)
gǎi qiān to change one's reservation; to transfer to a different flight, airline, bus or train
字者 wèi qiān zì zhě non-signatory
mián qiān variant of 棉籤|棉签[mian2 qian1]; cotton swab
棉药 mián yào qiān medical swab
页 biāo qiān yè tab (of a browser window)
入 qiān rù to log on; to log in
出 qiān chū to log off
呈 qiān chéng petition (submitted to a superior)
唱会 qiān chàng huì (of a singer) autograph session; record signing event
字者 qiān zì zhě signatory
字费 qiān zì fèi signing bonus; sign-on bonus
派室 qiān pài shì dispatch office
发地点 qiān fā dì diǎn place of issue (of document)
发日期 qiān fā rì qī date of issue (of document)
章 qiān zhāng signature
约奖金 qiān yuē jiǎng jīn signing bonus; sign-on bonus
语饼 qiān yǔ bǐng fortune cookie
赌 qiān dǔ to gamble
条 qiān tiáo label; tag
落地 luò dì qiān landing visa; visa on arrival
yào qiān medical swab
过境证 guò jìng qiān zhèng transit visa
fù qiān price tag
tí qiān to write the title of a book on a label