sǔn yún xùn

bamboo shoot; joint; tendon


筍 sǔn
  • bamboo shoot


dōng sǔn winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before they come out of the soil)
chūn sǔn springtime bamboo shoots; fig. (of woman's fingers) tender and delicate
玉米 yù mǐ sǔn baby corn
shí sǔn stalagmite
zhú sǔn bamboo shoot
茭白 jiāo bái sǔn edible stem of Manchurian wild rice 菰[gu1], aka water bamboo
wō sǔn Chinese lettuce; celtuce; asparagus lettuce; celery lettuce; stem lettuce
lú sǔn asparagus
雨後春 yǔ hòu chūn sǔn lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth; many new things emerge in rapid succession
lí sǔn Le Duan (1907-1986), Vietnamese communist politician
絲 sǔn sī bamboo shoots sliced into thin strips; a type of ingredient used in Chinese cuisine
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