writing brush; write; stroke


  • writing brush
  • write
  • stroke
  • pen
  • pencil
  • writing brush
  • to write or compose
  • the strokes of Chinese characters
  • classifier for sums of money, deals
  • CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]


zhí bǐ to write; to do the actual writing
mò bǐ writing brush
夢溪談 mèng xī bǐ tán Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括[Shen3 Kuo4], book on various fields of knowledge, the first to describe the magnetic needle compass
奇異 qí yì bǐ marker (writing instrument)
疾書 fèn bǐ jí shū to write at a tremendous speed
好記性不如爛頭 hǎo jì xìng bù rú làn bǐ tóu the palest ink is better than the best memory (idiom)
miào bǐ talented, gifted or ingenious writing
生花 miào bǐ shēng huā gifted or skillful writing
電 xiǎo bǐ diàn mini laptop or notebook (computer); netbook; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]
屠毒墨 tú dú bǐ mò poisonous writing; disparaging writing; calumny
gōng bǐ gongbi, traditional Chinese painting method characterized by meticulous brush technique and detailed description
意存先,畫盡意在 yì cún bǐ xiān , huà jìn yì zài the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through
shǒu bǐ sth written or painted in one's own hand; (of a writer, calligrapher or painter) skill; style; hand; (fig.) style shown in spending money, handling business etc; scale
從戎 tóu bǐ cóng róng to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom); to join the military (esp. of educated person)
zhé bǐ against the bristles (brush movement in painting)
zhuō bǐ my clumsy writing (humble expr.); my humble pen
持橐簪 chí tuó zān bǐ to serve as a counselor (idiom)
tí bǐ to take up one's pen; to start to write
忘字 tí bǐ wàng zì to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters
擦擦 cā cā bǐ erasable pen
gē bǐ to put down the pen; to stop writing
bài bǐ a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting; a faulty expression in writing
wén bǐ writings; writing style
qū bǐ falsification in writing; misrepresentation in written history; deliberate digression
tuó bǐ to make one's living by writing