
bamboo rod used for beatings



  • bamboo rod used for beatings
  • to whip with bamboo strips


笞 stroke order diagram
笞 stroke order animation


biān chī to flog; to lash; to whip; to urge or goad along
bàng chī to beat; to flog; to whip
刑 chī xíng whipping with bamboo strips (as corporal punishment)
掠 chī lüè to flog
挞 chī tà to flog; to whip
撻 chī tà to flog; to whip
击 chī jī to cudgel
擊 chī jī to cudgel
杖 chī zhàng a cudgel; CL:根[gen1]
棰 chī chuí to beat with a bamboo whip
骂 chī mà to whip and revile
罵 chī mà to whip and revile
背 chī bèi to flog or whip the back
臀 chī tún to whip the buttocks
责 chī zé to flog with a bamboo stick
責 chī zé to flog with a bamboo stick
辱 chī rǔ to whip and insult
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