竿 gān

bamboo pole; penis



竿 gān
  • pole


竿 stroke order diagram
竿 stroke order animation


竿 yú gān fishing rod
竿子 gān zi bamboo pole; CL:根[gen1],個|个[ge4]
竿 diào gān fishing rod; CL:根[gen1]
竿跳 chēng gān tiào pole-vaulting; also written 撐桿跳|撑杆跳
竿见影 lì gān jiàn yǐng lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect; quick results
竿 biāo gān benchmark; pole serving as mark or symbol; pole with a trophy hung on it
百尺竿头 bǎi chǐ gān tóu to be at the highest level of enlightenment (Buddhist expression)
竿 huá gān Chinese-style sedan chair
竿 běi gān Peikan Island, one of the Matsu Islands; Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan
竿乡 běi gān xiāng Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
竿鄉 běi gān xiāng Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
竿 nán gān Nankan Island, one of the Matsu Islands; Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan
竿乡 nán gān xiāng Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
竿鄉 nán gān xiāng Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan
竿跳 chēng gān tiào pole-vaulting; also written 撐桿跳|撑杆跳
竿跳高 chēng gān tiào gāo pole vault; also written 撐桿跳高|撑杆跳高
竿跳高 chēng gān tiào gāo pole vault; also written 撐桿跳高|撑杆跳高
竿 wéi gān ship mast; mast; also written 桅杆
竿 biāo gān benchmark; pole serving as mark or symbol; pole with a trophy hung on it
竿 pá gān pole-climbing (as gymnastics or circus act); climbing pole
竿 qiú gān cue (billiards); club (golf); stick (hockey)
百尺竿頭 bǎi chǐ gān tóu to be at the highest level of enlightenment (Buddhist expression)
百尺竿头,更尽一步 bǎi chǐ gān tóu , gèng jìn yī bù lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work to do; to continue to further successes; not to rest on one's laurels
百尺竿頭,更盡一步 bǎi chǐ gān tóu , gèng jìn yī bù lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work to do; to continue to further successes; not to rest on one's laurels
竿見影 lì gān jiàn yǐng lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect; quick results
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