
surname; hole, burrow; corrupt



  • surname
  • hole, burrow
  • corrupt
  • surname Dou
  • hole
  • aperture
  • (anatomy) cavity
  • sinus


窦 stroke order diagram
窦 stroke order animation


炎 bí dòu yán sinusitis
bí dòu paranasal sinus
乳突 rǔ tū dòu mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)
利玛 lì mǎ dòu Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China
利马 lì mǎ dòu Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China; erroneous spelling of 利瑪竇|利玛窦
qíng dòu (lit.) love aperture; (fig.) interest in love matters
初开 qíng dòu chū kāi first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom)
gǒu dòu dog hole; gap caused by missing teeth; fig. den of thieves
大开 gǒu dòu dà kāi dog hole wide open (idiom); fig. gap caused by missing teeth (used mockingly)
mǎ dòu Matthew; St Matthew the evangelist; less common variant of 馬太|马太[Ma3 tai4] (preferred by the Catholic Church)
福音 mǎ dòu fú yīn Gospel according to St Matthew
yí dòu (literary) doubts; suspicions; cause for suspicion
娥冤 dòu é yuān The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama by 關漢卿|关汉卿[Guan1 Han4 qing1])
窖 dòu jiào cellar; crypt
道 dòu dào subterranean passage; (medicine) sinus
筚门闺 bì mén guī dòu wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel; living in poverty
荜门圭 bì mén guī dòu wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel; living in poverty
dié dòu sphenoidal sinus
闭门塞 bì mén sè dòu to close doors and block openings (idiom); mounting a strict defense
é dòu frontal sinus
伯 féng dòu bó Feng Doubo or Feng Wu (1672-), calligrapher of the Ming-Qing transition; also called 馮武|冯武[Feng2 Wu3]
鼻旁 bí páng dòu paranasal sinus
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