suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly

HSK 3 #484


突 tū
  • to dash
  • to move forward quickly
  • to bulge
  • to protrude
  • to break through
  • to rush out
  • sudden
  • Taiwan pr. [tu2]



然 tū rán sudden; abrupt; unexpected
出 tū chū prominent; outstanding; to give prominence to; to protrude; to project
chōng tū conflict; to conflict; clash of opposing forces; collision (of interests); contention
破 tū pò to break through; to make a breakthrough; to surmount or break the back of (a task etc); (of ball sports) to break through a defense
发 tū fā to burst out suddenly; sudden outburst
击 tū jī sudden and violent attack; assault; fig. rushed job; concentrated effort to finish a job quickly
袭 tū xí surprise attack
击队 tū jī duì commando unit
变 tū biàn sudden change; mutation
táng tū to be rude; to treat irreverently
如其来 tū rú qí lái to arise abruptly; to arrive suddenly; happening suddenly
围 tū wéi to break a siege; to break out of an enclosure
起 tū qǐ to appear suddenly; projection; bit sticking out
破点 tū pò diǎn point of penetration (military); breakthrough
尼斯 tū ní sī Tunisia; Tunis, capital of Tunisia
飞猛进 tū fēi měng jìn to advance by leaps and bounds
兀 tū wù lofty or towering; sudden or abrupt
显 tū xiǎn conspicuous; to make sth stand out; make sth prominent
rǔ tū mastoid process
窦 rǔ tū dòu mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)
竇 rǔ tū dòu mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)
人类乳病毒 rén lèi rǔ tū bìng dú human papillomavirus (HPV)
人類乳病毒 rén lèi rǔ tū bìng dú human papillomavirus (HPV)
利害冲 lì hài chōng tū conflict of interest
利害衝 lì hài chōng tū conflict of interest
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