accumulate, store up, amass


積 jī
  • to amass
  • to accumulate
  • to store
  • measured quantity (such as area of volume)
  • product (the result of multiplication)
  • to integrate (math.)
  • to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.)
  • old
  • long-standing


不定分 bù dìng jī fēn indefinite integral (math.)
chéng jī product (result of multiplication)
nèi jī inner product; the dot product of two vectors
金 gōng jī jīn official reserves; accumulated fund
六方最密堆 liù fāng zuì mì duī jī hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math.)
物 bīng jī wù glacial sediment
占地面 zhàn dì miàn ji floor area; occupied area; footprint (of a building, piece of equipment etc)
薄發 hòu jī bó fā lit. to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly (idiom); good preparation is the key to success; to be well prepared
厝火薪 cuò huǒ jī xīn lit. to put a fire under a pile of firewood (idiom); fig. hidden danger; imminent danger
chā jī cross product (of vectors)
向量 xiàng liàng jī vector product (of vectors)
xī jī accretion
tún jī to stock up; to lay in supplies; to hoard (for speculation); to corner the market in sth
居奇 tún jī jū qí to hoard and profiteer; to speculate
dì jī land area
單 dì jī dān unit of area (e.g. 畝|亩[mu3], Chinese acre)
duī jī to pile up; to heap; accumulation
如山 duī jī rú shān to pile up like a mountain (idiom); a mountain of (paperwork etc); a large number of sth
木 duī jī mù to play with stacking blocks
堆金玉 duī jīn jī yù lit. pile up gold and jade; very rich
wài jī exterior product; the cross product of two vectors
róng jī volume; capacity
效率 róng jī xiào lǜ volumetric efficiency (engine technology)
雲 céng jī yún stratocumulus cloud
分 wēi jī fēn calculus; differentiation and integration; calculus of infinitesimals 微 and integrals 積|积
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