HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1683rd character |
RADICAL | ⽲ (115.11) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3356 |
majestic, solemn, reverent; calm
- majestic, solemn, reverent
- calm
- surname Mu
- solemn
- reverent
- calm
- burial position in an ancestral tomb (old)
- old variant of 默

穆斯林 mù sī lín | Muslim |
穆罕默德 mù hǎn mò dé | Mohammed (c. 570-632), central figure of Islam and prophet of God |
珠穆朗玛峰 zhū mù lǎng mǎ fēng | Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan); Mt Everest; Nepalese: Sagarmatha |
穆迪 mù dí | Moody's, company specializing in financial market ratings |
穆萨维 mù sà wéi | Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candidate in Iran's disputed 2009 elections |
肃穆 sù mù | solemn and respectful; serene |
穆沙拉夫 mù shā lā fū | Pervez Musharraf (1943-), Pakistani general and politician, president 2001-2008 |
喀土穆 kā tǔ mù | Khartoum, capital of Sudan |
亚穆苏克罗 yà mù sū kè luó | Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast) |
亞穆蘇克羅 yà mù sū kè luó | Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast) |
周穆王 zhōu mù wáng | King Mu, fifth king of Zhou, said to have lived to 105 and reigned 976-922 BC or 1001-947 BC, rich in associated mythology |
唐穆宗 táng mù zōng | Emperor Muzong of Tang (795-825), reign name of thirteenth Tang emperor 李恆|李恒[Li3 Heng2] reigned 821-825 |
拉斯穆森 lā sī mù sēn | Rasmussen (name) |
东乌珠穆沁旗 dōng wū zhū mù qìn qí | East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia |
東烏珠穆沁旗 dōng wū zhū mù qìn qí | East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia |
珠穆朗玛 zhū mù lǎng mǎ | Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan); Mt Everest; Nepalese: Sagarmatha |
珠穆朗瑪 zhū mù lǎng mǎ | Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan); Mt Everest; Nepalese: Sagarmatha |
珠穆朗瑪峰 zhū mù lǎng mǎ fēng | Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan); Mt Everest; Nepalese: Sagarmatha |
秦穆公 qín mù gōng | Duke Mu of Qin, the first substantial king of Qin (ruled 659-621 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸 |
穆加贝 mù jiā bèi | Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, president of Zimbabwe 1987-2017 |
穆加貝 mù jiā bèi | Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, president of Zimbabwe 1987-2017 |
穆勒鞋 mù lè xié | mule shoes (loanword) |
穆巴拉克 mù bā lā kè | Hosni Mubarak (1928-), former Egyptian President and military commander |
穆桂英 mù guì yīng | Mu Guiying, female warrior and heroine of the Yang Saga 楊家將|杨家将 |
穆尔西 mù ěr xī | Morsi, Mursi or Morsy (name); Mohamed Morsi (1951-), Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood politician, president of Egypt 2012-2013 |