corn, grain, cereal; lucky


  • corn, grain, cereal
  • lucky
  • grain
  • corn
  • surname Gu
  • valley


wǔ gǔ five crops, e.g. millet 粟[su4], soybean 豆[dou4], sesame 麻[ma2], barley 麥|麦[mai4], rice 稻[dao4] or other variants; all crops; all grains; oats, peas, beans and barley
豐登 wǔ gǔ fēng dēng abundant harvest of all food crops; bumper grain harvest
物 quán gǔ wù whole grain
bāo gǔ (dialect) maize; corn; also written 苞穀|苞谷[bao1 gu3]
四體不勤,五不分 sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom); living as a parasite
祠 tǔ gǔ cí local monastery
chuān gǔ same as 薏苡[yi4 yi3]
bù gǔ cuckoo
dǎ gǔ to thresh
場 dǎ gǔ cháng threshing floor
機 dǎ gǔ jī threshing machine
yáng gǔ to winnow
暾欲 tūn yù gǔ Tonyukuk (died c. 724 AD)
làng gǔ trough of a wave; (fig.) low point; lowest level
bǎi gǔ all the grains; every kind of cereal crop
hé gǔ cereal; food grain
dào gǔ rice crops
倉 gǔ cāng barn
子 gǔ zi millet
梁 gǔ liáng surname Guliang; abbr. for 穀梁傳|谷梁传[Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4], Guliang Annals
梁傳 gǔ liáng zhuàn Guliang Annals, commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], first published during the Han Dynasty
歌 gǔ gē variant of 谷歌[Gu3 ge1]; Google, Internet company and search engine
殼 gǔ ké husk of grain; grain and chaff
氨酸 gǔ ān suān glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid
氨酸鈉 gǔ ān suān nà monosodium glutamate (MSG) (E621)
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