
seed; race; offspring; to plant


種 zhǒng
  • seed
  • species
  • kind
  • type
  • classifier for types, kinds, sorts
種 zhòng
  • to plant
  • to grow
  • to cultivate


植體 zhòng zhí tǐ implant (dentistry)
樹 zhòng shù to plant trees
瓜得瓜,豆得豆 zhòng guā dé guā , zhòng dòu dé dòu lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans (idiom); fig. As you sow, so shall you reap.; One must live with the consequences of one's actions.; You've made your bed, now must lie on it.
田 zhòng tián to farm; farming
畜 zhǒng chù breeding stock (of animal species); stud
禽 zhǒng qín cock; male breeding poultry
zhǒng zhǒng all kinds of
系 zhǒng xì evolutionary line; line of descent
群 zhǒng qún population (of a species); community (of animals or plants)
臍 zhǒng qí hilum; omphalodium (botany)
花 zhòng huā to grow flowers; floriculture
草 zhòng cǎo (Internet slang) to recommend a product to sb
薯 zhǒng shǔ seed tuber
蛋 zhǒng dàn breeding egg
類 zhǒng lèi kind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class
馬 zhǒng mǎ stallion; stud horse
麻 zhǒng má distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)
chún zhǒng purebred
jué zhǒng extinct (species); extinction
維基物 wéi jī wù zhǒng Wikispecies, (species.wikimedia.org), online project to catalog all known species
罌粟子 yīng sù zhǒng zi poppy seed
gēng zhòng to till; to cultivate
yù zhǒng to breed; breeding
liáng zhǒng improved type; good breed; pedigree
繁育 liáng zhǒng fán yù stock breeding (biology)