
seed; race; offspring; to plant


種 zhǒng
  • seed
  • species
  • kind
  • type
  • classifier for types, kinds, sorts
種 zhòng
  • to plant
  • to grow
  • to cultivate


yī zhǒng one kind of; one type of
射線 bǐng zhǒng shè xiàn gamma ray
yǐ zhǒng beta- or type 2
促效劑 yǐ zhǒng cù xiào jì beta-2 agonist
射線 yǐ zhǒng shè xiàn beta ray (electron stream from radioactive decay)
粒子 yǐ zhǒng lì zǐ beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron emitted by radioactive nucleus)
yà zhǒng subspecies (taxonomy)
亡國滅 wáng guó miè zhǒng country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction
rén zhǒng race (of people)
差別 rén zhǒng chā bié racial differences; racial discrimination
皮 jiǎ zhǒng pí aril (botany)
chuán zhǒng to reproduce; to propagate
入侵物 rù qīn wù zhǒng invasive species
bīng zhǒng (military) branch of the armed forces
刀耕火 dāo gēng huǒ zhòng slash and burn (agriculture)
包衣子 bāo yī zhǒng zi seed enclosed in artificial capsule
gè zhǒng every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds
各樣 gè zhǒng gè yàng various kinds; all sorts
顏色 gè zhǒng yán sè multicolored; a variety of colors
pǐn zhǒng breed; variety; CL:個|个[ge4]
基本多文平面 jī běn duō wén zhǒng píng miàn basic multilingual plane (BMP)
huài zhǒng bad kind; scoundrel
外來物 wài lái wù zhǒng an introduced species
duō zhǒng many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi-
多樣 duō zhǒng duō yàng manifold; all sorts; many and varied
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