blessing, happiness, prosperity



  • blessing, happiness, prosperity
  • good fortune
  • official salary


禄 stroke order diagram
禄 stroke order animation


fèng lù official's salary (in feudal times)
shì lù hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth
之家 shì lù zhī jiā family with hereditary emoluments
他加语 tā jiā lù yǔ Tagalog (language)
伯多 bó duō lù Peter (Catholic transliteration)
勋 guāng lù xūn Supervisor of Attendants in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]
大夫 guāng lù dài fu honorific title during Tang to Qing times, approx. "Glorious grand master"
lì lù wealth and official post
薰心 lì lù xūn xīn to be eager for wealth and emolument (idiom)
功名利 gōng míng lì lù position and wealth (idiom); rank, fame and fortune
加官进 jiā guān jìn lù promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)
huí lù traditional Fire God; destruction by fire
之灾 huí lù zhī zāi to have one's house burned down; fire disaster
tiān lù auspicious sculpted animal, usu. a unicorn or deer with a long tail; possession of the empire
山 ān lù shān An Lushan (703-757), Tang general, leader of the An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4]
shī lù to hold a sinecure
巴尔多茂 bā ěr duō lù mào Bartholomew
怀 huái lù to yearn for a high official position
拉匝 lā zā lù Lazarus (Catholic transliteration)
李天 lǐ tiān lù Li Tianlu (1910-1998), Taiwanese master puppeteer
大夫 róng lù dà fū a rank in government service
无功不受 wú gōng bù shòu lù Don't get a reward if it's not deserved. (idiom)
无功受 wú gōng shòu lù to get undeserved rewards (idiom)
wú lù to be unsalaried; to be unfortunate; death
jué lù rank and emolument of nobility
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