
pray; entreat, beseech



祈 qí
  • to implore
  • to pray
  • to request


祈 stroke order diagram
祈 stroke order animation


祷 qí dǎo to pray; to say one's prayers; prayer
求 qí qiú to pray for; to appeal
福 qí fú to pray for blessings
愿 qí yuàn to pray; to pray for sth; to wish sth; prayer; wish
望 qí wàng to hope; to wish; hope; wish; (old) name of an official post
使句 qí shǐ jù imperative sentence
启应祷 qǐ yìng qí dǎo Introitus (section of Catholic mass)
啟應禱 qǐ yìng qí dǎo Introitus (section of Catholic mass)
仙台 qí xiān tái memorial altar; platform for praying to immortals
福禳灾 qí fú ráng zāi to pray for luck and sacrifice to avoid disasters (i.e. traditional superstitions)
福禳災 qí fú ráng zāi to pray for luck and sacrifice to avoid disasters (i.e. traditional superstitions)
禱 qí dǎo to pray; to say one's prayers; prayer
願 qí yuàn to pray; to pray for sth; to wish sth; prayer; wish
闭会祷 bì huì qí dǎo benediction
閉會禱 bì huì qí dǎo benediction
开会祷 kāi huì qí dǎo invocation
開會禱 kāi huì qí dǎo invocation
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