HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 2730th character |
RADICAL | ⽯ (112.7) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2592 |
硫 liú |
硫氰酸盐 liú qíng suān yán | thiocyanate |
硫氰酸鹽 liú qíng suān yán | thiocyanate |
硫球 liú qiú | Luzon, island of the Philippines; the Ryukyu islands |
硫磺鹀 liú huáng wú | (bird species of China) yellow bunting (Emberiza sulphurata) |
硫磺鵐 liú huáng wú | (bird species of China) yellow bunting (Emberiza sulphurata) |
硫胺素 liú àn sù | thiamine; vitamin B1 |
硫茚 liú yìn | benzothiophene (chemistry) |
硫酸钠 liú suān nà | sodium sulfate |
硫酸鈉 liú suān nà | sodium sulfate |
硫酸钙 liú suān gài | calcium sulfate |
硫酸鈣 liú suān gài | calcium sulfate |
硫酸钾 liú suān jiǎ | potassium sulfate |
硫酸鉀 liú suān jiǎ | potassium sulfate |
硫酸铜 liú suān tóng | copper sulfate CuSO4 |
硫酸銅 liú suān tóng | copper sulfate CuSO4 |
硫酸铵 liú suān ǎn | ammonium sulfate |
硫酸銨 liú suān ǎn | ammonium sulfate |
硫酸铝 liú suān lǚ | aluminum sulfate |
硫酸鋁 liú suān lǚ | aluminum sulfate |
硫酸钡 liú suān bèi | barium sulfate |
硫酸鋇 liú suān bèi | barium sulfate |
硫酸镁 liú suān měi | magnesium sulfate |
硫酸鎂 liú suān měi | magnesium sulfate |
硫酸铁 liú suān tiě | ferrous sulfate |
硫酸鐵 liú suān tiě | ferrous sulfate |