pào báo

gun, cannon



砲 pào
  • cannon
  • CL:座[zuo4]
  • firecracker
  • variant of 炮[pao4]


丟輪扯 diū lún chě pào lose a wheel, tear at the gun (idiom); flustered and confused in a panic
八二三戰 bā èr sān pào zhàn bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces that started August 23rd 1958, also called second Taiwan strait crisis
大沽口臺 dà gū kǒu pào tái Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)
大沽臺 dà gū pào tái Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)
dà pào big gun; cannon; artillery; one who talks big; trad. form 大炮 also used; CL:門|门[men2],尊[zun1]
小鋼 xiǎo gāng pào (coll.) piece of light artillery such as a mortar; (fig.) person who speaks boldly and frankly; hot hatch (car); (also used figuratively with various meanings in other contexts)
nǔ pào catapult; ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)
曲射 qū shè pào curved-fire gun (mortar, howitzer etc)
qiāng pào firearm
huǒ pào cannon; gun; artillery
手 pào shǒu gunner; artillery crew
擊 pào jī to shell; to bombard; bombardment
火連天 pào huǒ lián tiān cannon firing for days on end (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war
臺 pào tái fort; battery
艇 pào tǐng gunboat
艦 pào jiàn gunship; gunboat
轟 pào hōng to bombard; to bomb; (fig.) to criticize; to roast; trad. also written 炮轟
響 pào xiǎng sound of gunfire; fig. news of momentous events
磁軌 cí guǐ pào railgun
空中艦 kōng zhōng pào jiàn gunship (aircraft)
虎蹲 hǔ dūn pào a short-barreled mortar; an ancient catapult
hào pào cannon used for signaling; signaling shot
連珠 lián zhū pào barrage of gunfire (often used as a metaphor for rapid speech)
zhòng pào heavy artillery
kāi pào to open fire
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