
grind, rub; study, research

HSK 4 #447


研 yán
  • to grind
  • study
  • research


研 stroke order diagram
研 stroke order animation


县 jǐng yán xiàn Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan
縣 jǐng yán xiàn Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan
bǎo yán to recommend sb for postgraduate studies; to admit for postgraduate studies without taking the entrance exam
分析究 fēn xī yán jiū analysis; research
刻苦钻 kè kǔ zuān yán to study diligently
刻苦鑽 kè kǔ zuān yán to study diligently
北京核武器究所 běi jīng hé wǔ qì yán jiū suǒ Nuclear Weapon Institute in Beijing
古根罕喷气推进究中心 gǔ gēn hǎn pēn qì tuī jìn yán jiū zhōng xīn Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926); Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)
古根罕噴氣推進究中心 gǔ gēn hǎn pēn qì tuī jìn yán jiū zhōng xīn Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926); Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)
可行性究 kě xíng xìng yán jiū feasibility study
国际肿瘤究机构 guó jì zhōng liú yán jiū jī gòu International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
國際腫瘤究機構 guó jì zhōng liú yán jiū jī gòu International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
从事究 cóng shì yán jiū to do research; to carry out research
從事究 cóng shì yán jiū to do research; to carry out research
日本原子能究所 rì běn yuán zǐ néng yán jiū suǒ Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
极深几 jí shēn yán jǐ deep and detailed investigation (idiom)
極深幾 jí shēn yán jǐ deep and detailed investigation (idiom)
欧洲核子究中心 ōu zhōu hé zǐ yán jiū zhōng xīn European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, at Geneva
歐洲核子究中心 ōu zhōu hé zǐ yán jiū zhōng xīn European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, at Geneva
发展究中心 fā zhǎn yán jiū zhōng xīn Development Research Center (PRC State Council institution)
發展究中心 fā zhǎn yán jiū zhōng xīn Development Research Center (PRC State Council institution)
修员 yán xiū yuán research worker; researcher
修員 yán xiū yuán research worker; researcher
判 yán pàn to study and come to a conclusion; to judge; to determine
定 yán dìng to consider and decide; to decide after investigating