
sand; pebbles, gravel; gritty



  • sand
  • pebbles, gravel
  • gritty
  • sand
  • gravel
  • granule
  • variant of 沙[sha1]


砂 stroke order diagram
砂 stroke order animation


矮茎朱根 ǎi jīng zhū shā gēn short-stem Ardisia (Ardisia brevicaulis)
矮莖朱根 ǎi jīng zhū shā gēn short-stem Ardisia (Ardisia brevicaulis)
仁 shā rén Amomom (fructus Amomi), plant used in Chinese medicine
囊 shā náng gizzard (anatomy of birds, gastropods etc)
拉越 shā lā yuè see 沙撈越|沙捞越[Sha1 lao1 yue4]
漿 shā jiāng mortar (building)
礓 shā jiāng concretion (geology)
礫 shā lì grit
积矿床 shā jī kuàng chuáng placer (alluvial deposit containing valuable metals)
積礦床 shā jī kuàng chuáng placer (alluvial deposit containing valuable metals)
紙 shā zhǐ sandpaper (i.e. abrasive)
轮 shā lún grinding wheel; emery wheel
輪 shā lún grinding wheel; emery wheel
鍋 shā guō casserole; earthenware pot
zhū shā cinnabar; mercuric sulfide HgS; also written 硃砂|朱砂[zhu1 sha1]
náo shā salammoniac (mineralogy)
磨石砾 mó shí shā lì millstone grit; coarse sandstone
磨石礫 mó shí shā lì millstone grit; coarse sandstone
磨石粗岩 mó shí cū shā yán millstone grit
mó shā to scrub with an abrasive; to sand; frosted (e.g. glass)
机 mó shā jī sander; sanding machine
機 mó shā jī sander; sanding machine
膏 mó shā gāo facial scrub
fěn shā silt
岩 fěn shā yán siltstone