jiǎo jiáo

correct, rectify, straighten out



矫 jiǎo
  • surname Jiao
  • to correct
  • to rectify
  • to redress
  • strong
  • brave
  • to pretend
  • to feign
  • affectation
矫 jiáo
  • argumentative
  • contentious


矫 stroke order diagram
矫 stroke order animation


正 jiǎo zhèng to correct; to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision); to cure; rectification; correction; to straighten
形 jiǎo xíng orthopedic (e.g. surgery)
健 jiǎo jiàn strong and healthy; vigorous
揉造作 jiǎo róu zào zuò pretension; affectation; putting on artificial airs
枉过正 jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng to overcorrect (idiom); to overcompensate
捷 jiǎo jié vigorous and nimble; athletic
治 jiǎo zhì to correct (e.g. sight or hearing); to rectify; to cure
牙齿正器 yá chǐ jiǎo zhèng qì orthodontic braces
味剂 jiǎo wèi jì corrective agent; flavoring agent
形外科 jiǎo xíng wài kē orthopedic surgery
形牙套 jiǎo xíng yá tào orthodontic brace
形医生 jiǎo xíng yī shēng orthopedic doctor
情 jiáo qing (Beijing dialect) argumentative; unreasonable
情 jiǎo qíng affected; unnatural; pretentious
枉过直 jiǎo wǎng guò zhí see 矯枉過正|矫枉过正[jiao3 wang3 guo4 zheng4]
正透镜 jiǎo zhèng tòu jìng correcting lens
直 jiǎo zhí to straighten; (fig.) to mend one's ways
直机 jiǎo zhí jī (manufacturing) straightening machine; straightener
jiǎo jiǎo gallant; brave; preeminent
诏 jiǎo zhào the pretense of acting on imperial order
齿列正 chǐ liè jiǎo zhèng orthodontic treatment; orthodontics
齿列正器 chǐ liè jiǎo zhèng qì see 牙齒矯正器|牙齿矫正器[ya2 chi3 jiao3 zheng4 qi4]
齿颚正学 chǐ è jiǎo zhèng xué orthodontics
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