
shield, shield-shaped object; currency sign for Dutch guilder

HSK 5 #1395


盾 dùn
  • shield
  • (currency) Vietnamese dong
  • currency unit of several countries (Indonesian rupiah, Dutch gulden etc)


盾 stroke order diagram
盾 stroke order animation


荷蘭 hé lán dùn Dutch gulden
tán dùn Tan Dun (1957-) Chinese composer
tán dùn Tan Dun (1957-) Chinese composer
越南 yuè nán dùn Vietnamese dong (currency)
工程 jīn dùn gōng chéng Golden Shield Project, information system for censorship and surveillance, thought to include the Great Firewall of China 防火長城|防火长城[Fang2 huo3 Chang2 cheng2] as a component
防暴 fáng bào dùn riot shield
陆港矛 lù gǎng máo dùn tensions between mainland China and Hong Kong (since 1997)
陸港矛 lù gǎng máo dùn tensions between mainland China and Hong Kong (since 1997)
闹矛 nào máo dùn to be at loggerheads; to have a falling out
鬧矛 nào máo dùn to be at loggerheads; to have a falling out