huī hào

bright, luminous; clear; hoary



皓 hào
  • variant of 皓[hao4]
  • bright
  • luminous
  • white (esp. bright white teeth of youth or white hair of old age)
  • spotlessly white


皓 stroke order diagram
皓 stroke order animation


明眸齿 míng móu hào chǐ to have bright eyes and white teeth
明眸齒 míng móu hào chǐ to have bright eyes and white teeth
白 hào bái snow-white; spotless
首 hào shǒu white head of hair; fig. old person
首苍颜 hào shǒu cāng yán white hair and gray sunken cheeks (idiom); decrepit old age
首蒼顏 hào shǒu cāng yán white hair and gray sunken cheeks (idiom); decrepit old age
齿 hào chǐ white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty)
齒 hào chǐ white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty)
齿明眸 hào chǐ míng móu white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); lovely young woman
齒明眸 hào chǐ míng móu white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); lovely young woman
齿朱唇 hào chǐ zhū chún white teeth and vermilion lips (idiom); lovely young woman
齒硃唇 hào chǐ zhū chún white teeth and vermilion lips (idiom); lovely young woman
蛾眉齿 é méi hào chǐ beautiful eyebrow and white teeth (idiom); lovely young woman
蛾眉齒 é méi hào chǐ beautiful eyebrow and white teeth (idiom); lovely young woman
月当空 hào yuè dāng kōng bright moon in the sky
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