bái bai

white; pure, unblemished; bright

HSK 2 #286


白 bái
  • surname Bai
  • white
  • snowy
  • pure
  • bright
  • empty
  • blank
  • plain
  • clear
  • to make clear
  • in vain
  • gratuitous
  • free of charge
  • reactionary
  • anti-communist
  • funeral
  • to stare coldly
  • to write wrong character
  • to state
  • to explain
  • vernacular
  • spoken lines in opera


白 stroke order diagram
白 stroke order animation


肌纖蛋 jī xiān dàn bái myocilin; muscle fibrin
胃蛋酶 wèi dàn bái méi pepsin
脂蛋 zhī dàn bái lipoprotein
胶原蛋 jiāo yuán dàn bái collagen
膠原蛋 jiāo yuán dàn bái collagen
書 zì bái shū confession
台湾喉噪鹛 tái wān bái hóu zào méi (bird species of China) rufous-crowned laughingthrush (Garrulax ruficeps)
臺灣喉噪鶥 tái wān bái hóu zào méi (bird species of China) rufous-crowned laughingthrush (Garrulax ruficeps)
jiāo bái Manchurian wild rice 菰[gu1], aka water bamboo, or its edible stem, which resembles a bamboo shoot
笋 jiāo bái sǔn edible stem of Manchurian wild rice 菰[gu1], aka water bamboo
筍 jiāo bái sǔn edible stem of Manchurian wild rice 菰[gu1], aka water bamboo
cāng bái pale; wan
无力 cāng bái wú lì pale and feeble; powerless
無力 cāng bái wú lì pale and feeble; powerless
色 cāng bái sè pale; wan; sickly white
色 cāng bái sè pale; wan; sickly white
莲花 lián huā bái (dialect) cabbage
蓮花 lián huā bái (dialect) cabbage
兰坪族普米族自治县 lán píng bái zú pǔ mǐ zú zì zhì xiàn Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan
蘭坪族普米族自治縣 lán píng bái zú pǔ mǐ zú zì zhì xiàn Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan
萝卜菜,各有所爱 luó bo bái cài , gè yǒu suǒ ài one man's meat is another man's poison (idiom); to each his own
蘿蔔菜,各有所愛 luó bo bái cài , gè yǒu suǒ ài one man's meat is another man's poison (idiom); to each his own
素 dàn bái sù albumin
胨 dàn bái dòng peptone (biochemistry)
腖 dàn bái dòng peptone (biochemistry)