bái bai

white; pure, unblemished; bright

HSK 2 #286


白 bái
  • surname Bai
  • white
  • snowy
  • pure
  • bright
  • empty
  • blank
  • plain
  • clear
  • to make clear
  • in vain
  • gratuitous
  • free of charge
  • reactionary
  • anti-communist
  • funeral
  • to stare coldly
  • to write wrong character
  • to state
  • to explain
  • vernacular
  • spoken lines in opera


白 stroke order diagram
白 stroke order animation


蚁 bái yǐ termite; white ant
真相大 zhēn xiàng dà bái the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything becomes clear
dú bái stage monologue; soliloquy
雪公主 bái xuě gōng zhǔ Snow White
领 bái lǐng white-collar; white-collar worker
piǎo bái to bleach; to whiten
眼 bái yǎn to give a supercilious look; roll of the eyes
手起家 bái shǒu qǐ jiā to build up from nothing; to start from scratch
热化 bái rè huà to turn white-hot; to intensify; to reach a climax
gào bái to announce publicly; to explain oneself; to reveal one's feelings; to confess; to declare one's love
剂 piǎo bái jì bleach
酒 bái jiǔ baijiu, a spirit usually distilled from sorghum
鲸 bái jīng white whale; beluga; Moby Dick, novel by Herman Melville 赫曼·麥爾維爾|赫曼·麦尔维尔[He4 man4 · Mai4 er3 wei2 er3]
细胞 bái xì bāo white blood cell; leukocyte
páng bái aside (theater); voice-over; background narration
zhí bái frank; open; blunt
纸黑字 bái zhǐ hēi zì (written) in black and white
麦克 mài kè bái Macbeth (name); Macbeth, 1606 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚
xiǎo bái (slang) novice; greenhorn; fool; idiot; abbr. for 小白臉|小白脸[xiao3 bai2 lian3], pretty boy
duì bái dialogue (in a movie or a play)
旗 bái qí white flag
雪 bái xuě snow
吃 bái chī to eat without paying; to eat for free
水 bái shuǐ Baishui county in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi; plain water
菜 bái cài Chinese cabbage; pak choi; CL:棵[ke1], 個|个[ge4]