bái bai

white; pure, unblemished; bright

HSK 2 #286


白 bái
  • surname Bai
  • white
  • snowy
  • pure
  • bright
  • empty
  • blank
  • plain
  • clear
  • to make clear
  • in vain
  • gratuitous
  • free of charge
  • reactionary
  • anti-communist
  • funeral
  • to stare coldly
  • to write wrong character
  • to state
  • to explain
  • vernacular
  • spoken lines in opera


白 stroke order diagram
白 stroke order animation


塔区 bái tǎ qū Baita district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning
塔區 bái tǎ qū Baita district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning
塔寺 bái tǎ sì Baita temple in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1]
夜 bái yè white night
大衣高血压 bái dà yī gāo xuè yā white coat hypertension; white coat syndrome
大衣高血壓 bái dà yī gāo xuè yā white coat hypertension; white coat syndrome
奴 bái nú white-collar slave (office worker who is overworked and exploited)
字 bái zì wrongly written or mispronounced character
安居 bái ān jū B&Q (DIY and home improvement retailer)
宮 bái gōng White House
宫群英 bái gōng qún yīng The West Wing (US TV series)
宮群英 bái gōng qún yīng The West Wing (US TV series)
富美 bái fù měi "Ms Perfect" (i.e. fair-skinned, rich and beautiful) (Internet slang)
尾地鸦 bái wěi dì yā (bird species of China) Xinjiang ground jay (Podoces biddulphi)
尾地鴉 bái wěi dì yā (bird species of China) Xinjiang ground jay (Podoces biddulphi)
尾梢虹雉 bái wěi shāo hóng zhì (bird species of China) Sclater's monal (Lophophorus sclateri)
尾海雕 bái wěi hǎi diāo (bird species of China) white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
尾海鵰 bái wěi hǎi diāo (bird species of China) white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
尾蓝仙鹟 bái wěi lán xiān wēng (bird species of China) white-tailed flycatcher (Cyornis concretus)
尾藍仙鶲 bái wěi lán xiān wēng (bird species of China) white-tailed flycatcher (Cyornis concretus)
尾蓝地鸲 bái wěi lán dì qú (bird species of China) white-tailed robin (Myiomela leucura)
尾藍地鴝 bái wěi lán dì qú (bird species of China) white-tailed robin (Myiomela leucura)
尾䴓 bái wěi shī (bird species of China) white-tailed nuthatch (Sitta himalayensis)
尾鳾 bái wěi shī (bird species of China) white-tailed nuthatch (Sitta himalayensis)
尾鹞 bái wěi yào (bird species of China) hen harrier (Circus cyaneus)