
be healed, cured, recover


療 liáo
  • to treat
  • to cure
  • therapy


住院治 zhù yuàn zhì liáo to receive hospital treatment; to be hospitalized
公費醫 gōng fèi yī liáo medical treatment at public expense
割股親 gē gǔ liǎo qīn to cut flesh from one's thigh to nourish a sick parent (idiom); filial thigh-cutting
化學治 huà xué zhì liáo chemotherapy
化學法 huà xué liáo fǎ chemotherapy
huà liáo chemotherapy
反射區治 fǎn shè ōu zhì liáo reflexology (alternative medicine)
反射法 fǎn shè liáo fǎ reflexology (alternative medicine)
另類醫 lìng lèi yī liáo alternative medicine
國際醫中心 guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn International Medical Center
基因治 jī yīn zhì liáo gene therapy
完形心理治 wán xíng xīn lǐ zhì liáo Gestalt psychotherapy
捏脊治 niē jǐ zhì liáo chiropractic (medicine)
放射治 fàng shè zhì liáo radiotherapy
放射法 fàng shè liáo fǎ radiotherapy
新型農村合作醫 xīn xíng nóng cūn hé zuò yī liáo New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme; abbr. to 新農合|新农合
根管治 gēn guǎn zhì liáo root canal therapy (dentistry)
格式塔法 gé shì tǎ liáo fǎ Gestalt therapy; holistic therapy
shuǐ liáo hydrotherapy; aquatherapy
zhì liáo to treat (an illness); medical treatment; therapy
法 zhì liáo fǎ therapy
炎症 zhì liáo yán zhèng anti-inflammatory (medicine)
物理治 wù lǐ zhì liáo physiotherapy; physical therapy
物理法 wù lǐ liáo fǎ physiotherapy; physical therapy
lǐ liáo physiotherapy
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