
thin, emaciated, lean; meager

HSK 3 #1841


  • thin, emaciated, lean
  • meager
  • thin
  • to lose weight
  • (of clothing) tight
  • (of meat) lean
  • (of land) unproductive


瘦 stroke order diagram
瘦 stroke order animation


骨棱棱 shòu gǔ léng léng bony; skinny
qú shòu thin; emaciated
xiān shòu slender; slim as a thread
xiān shòu slender; slim as a thread
面黄肌 miàn huáng jī shòu yellow face, emaciated body (idiom); malnourished and sickly in appearance
面黃肌 miàn huáng jī shòu yellow face, emaciated body (idiom); malnourished and sickly in appearance
如豺 gǔ shòu rú chái variant of 骨瘦如柴[gu3 shou4 ru2 chai2]
高矮胖 gāo ǎi pàng shòu one's physique (tall or short, thin or fat); stature