
foolish, stupid, dumb, silly



  • foolish, stupid, dumb, silly
  • imbecile
  • sentimental
  • stupid
  • foolish
  • silly
  • variant of 痴[chi1]


痴 stroke order diagram
痴 stroke order animation


bái chī idiocy; idiot
迷 chī mí infatuated; obsessed
呆 chī dāi imbecility; dementia
老年呆症 lǎo nián chī dāi zhèng senile dementia; Alzheimer's disease
心妄想 chī xīn wàng xiǎng to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom); to labor under a delusion; wishful thinking
如醉 rú chī rú zuì lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); fig. intoxicated by sth; obsessed with; mad about sth
心 chī xīn infatuation
情 chī qíng infatuation
chī chī foolish; stupid; lost in thought; in a daze
想 chī xiǎng to daydream; wishful thinking; pipe dream
呢呢 ní ní chī chī docile
如醉如 rú zuì rú chī lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); intoxicated by sth; obsessed with; mad about sth; also written 如癡如醉|如痴如醉[ru2 chi1 ru2 zui4]
jiāo chī spoilt and naive
jiāo chī spoilt and naive
qíng chī infatuated; lovesick person
福 chī rén chī fú a fool suffers foolish fortune (idiom)
人说梦 chī rén shuō mèng lunatic ravings; nonsense; pipe dream
人說夢 chī rén shuō mèng lunatic ravings; nonsense; pipe dream
呆症 chī dāi zhèng dementia
汉 chī hàn molester (loanword from Japanese "chikan"); idiot; fool
漢 chī hàn molester (loanword from Japanese "chikan"); idiot; fool
獃 chī dāi imbecility; dementia
笑 chī xiào to giggle foolishly; to titter
醉 chī zuì to be fascinated; to be spellbound
长 chī zhǎng to not be wiser despite being older; to be older than (you) by (humble)
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