
phlegm, mucus, spittle



  • phlegm, mucus, spittle
  • phlegm
  • spittle


痰 stroke order diagram
痰 stroke order animation


盂 tán yú spittoon
huà tán to transform phlegm (TCM)
tǔ tán to spit; to expectorate
ké tán to cough up phlegm; to expectorate
理气化 lǐ qì huà tán (TCM) to rectify 氣|气[qi4] and transform phlegm
理氣化 lǐ qì huà tán (TCM) to rectify 氣|气[qi4] and transform phlegm
液 tán yè saliva; spittle
盂儿 tán yú r erhua variant of 痰盂[tan2 yu2]
盂兒 tán yú r erhua variant of 痰盂[tan2 yu2]
盂式 tán yú shì spittoon-shaped
qū tán to dispel phlegm (TCM)
药 qū tán yào medicine to dispel phlegm (TCM)
藥 qū tán yào medicine to dispel phlegm (TCM)
鱼生火,肉生,青菜豆腐保平安 yú shēng huǒ , ròu shēng tán , qīng cài dòu fu bǎo píng ān fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm, vegetables and tofu keep you healthy
魚生火,肉生,青菜豆腐保平安 yú shēng huǒ , ròu shēng tán , qīng cài dòu fu bǎo píng ān fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm, vegetables and tofu keep you healthy
nián tán phlegm
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