epidemic, plague, pestilence

HSK 6 #1791


  • epidemic, plague, pestilence
  • epidemic
  • plague



被動免 bèi dòng miǎn yì passive immunity
预防免 yù fáng miǎn yì prophylactic inoculation
預防免 yù fáng miǎn yì prophylactic inoculation
niǎo yì ornithosis
niǎo yì ornithosis
衣原体 niǎo yì yī yuán tǐ Chlamydia ornithosis
衣原體 niǎo yì yī yuán tǐ Chlamydia ornithosis
杆菌 shǔ yì gǎn jūn Yersinia pestis; the bubonic plage bacillus
桿菌 shǔ yì gǎn jūn Yersinia pestis; the bubonic plage bacillus
菌苗 shǔ yì jūn miáo plague vaccine
rǎn yì to be infected; to contract an illness; in this context, means to get infected with a virus
kàng yì epidemic prevention
大流 dà liú yì pandemic