
delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw


畫 huà
  • to draw
  • picture
  • painting
  • CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1]
  • classifier for paintings etc
  • variant of 劃|划[hua4]


線 xià huà xiàn underline
中國 zhōng guó huà Chinese painting
luàn huà to doodle; graffito; doodle
zuò huà to paint
依樣葫蘆 yī yàng huà hú lu lit. to draw a gourd from the model (idiom); fig. to copy sth mechanically without attempt at originality
依葫蘆瓢 yī hú lu huà piáo lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as one's model (idiom); fig. to follow the existing pattern without modification
kè huà to portray
dòng huà animation; cartoon
片 dòng huà piàn animated film
gōu huà to sketch out; to delineate
qū huà subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)
míng huà famous painting
家 míng huà jiā famous painter
單色 dān sè huà monochrome picture; black and white picture
guó huà traditional Chinese painting
tú huà drawing; picture
bì huà mural (painting); fresco
rú huà picturesque
如詩如 rú shī rú huà (of scenery) stunning; spectacular; picturesque
zì huà the strokes of a character; calligraphy and painting
宣傳 xuān chuán huà propaganda poster; advertising hoarding
寫意 xiě yì huà freehand drawing or painting in traditional Chinese style
山水 shān shuǐ huà landscape painting
yán huà rock painting; picture or writing carved on rocks
bó huà painting on silk
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