
cause, reason; from

HSK 4 #136


由 yóu
  • to follow
  • from
  • it is for...to
  • reason
  • cause
  • because of
  • due to
  • to
  • to leave it (to sb)
  • by (introduces passive verb)


由 stroke order diagram
由 stroke order animation


shì yóu main content; matter; work; origin of an incident; cause; purpose; subject (of business letter)
yuán yóu variant of 緣由|缘由[yuan2 you2]
民主党 zì yóu mín zhǔ dǎng Liberal Democratic Party
wú yóu to be unable (to do sth); no reason to ...; without rhyme or reason
王国 zì yóu wáng guó realm of freedom (philosophy)
之路 bì yóu zhī lù the road one must follow or take; the only way
àn yóu main points of a case; brief; summary
此可见 yóu cǐ kě jiàn from this, it can be seen that...
度 zì yóu dù (number of) degrees of freedom (physics and statistics)
放任 zì yóu fàng rèn laissez-faire
港 zì yóu gǎng free port
三岛纪夫 sān dǎo yóu jì fū Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese author, pen name of (平岡公威|平冈公威, Hiraoka Kimitake)
三島紀夫 sān dǎo yóu jì fū Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese author, pen name of (平岡公威|平冈公威, Hiraoka Kimitake)
不分情 bù fēn qíng yóu indiscriminate
分说 bù yóu fēn shuō to allow no explanation
分說 bù yóu fēn shuō to allow no explanation
不自,毋宁死 bù zì yóu , wú nìng sǐ give me liberty or give me death
不自,毋寧死 bù zì yóu , wú nìng sǐ give me liberty or give me death
人在江湖,身不己 rén zài jiāng hú , shēn bù yóu jǐ you can't always do as you like; one has to compromise in this world (idiom)
lái yóu reason; cause
充足理律 chōng zú lǐ yóu lǜ sufficient grounds (law)
jí yóu namely
yīn yóu reason; cause; predestined relationship (Buddhism)
心生 jìng yóu xīn shēng our mindset frames how we view the world
媒体自 méi tǐ zì yóu freedom of the media