
throw away, discard

HSK 5 #2603


  • throw away, discard
  • to throw
  • to fling
  • to swing
  • to leave behind
  • to throw off
  • to dump (sb)


甩 stroke order diagram
甩 stroke order animation


锅 shuǎi guō (Internet slang) to shift the blame; to pass the buck
鍋 shuǎi guō (Internet slang) to shift the blame; to pass the buck
钟 shuǎi zhōng dice cup
鍾 shuǎi zhōng dice cup
開 shuǎi kāi to shake off; to get rid of
开膀子 shuǎi kāi bǎng zi to throw off inhibitions; to go all out
開膀子 shuǎi kāi bǎng zi to throw off inhibitions; to go all out
頭 shuǎi tóu to fling back one's head