zhēn zhèn juàn

to examine, discern; to grade; a surname



甄 zhēn
  • surname Zhen
  • to distinguish
  • to evaluate


甄 stroke order diagram
甄 stroke order animation


选 zhēn xuǎn to select; to pick
别 zhēn bié to screen; to discriminate; to reexamine a case; screening (of applicants etc)
tuī zhēn to recommend a student for admission to a higher-level school; to put a student on the recommendation track (one of several ways of gaining admission to a higher-level school in Taiwan); abbr. for 推薦甄選|推荐甄选
別 zhēn bié to screen; to discriminate; to reexamine a case; screening (of applicants etc)
别考试 zhēn bié kǎo shì to screen; to grade by examination; screening; placement test
別考試 zhēn bié kǎo shì to screen; to grade by examination; screening; placement test
审 zhēn shěn to screen and select (candidates etc)
審 zhēn shěn to screen and select (candidates etc)
拔 zhēn bá to select
汰 zhēn tài to eliminate by examination
用 zhēn yòng to employ by examination
综 zhēn zōng to comprehensively appraise and select
綜 zhēn zōng to comprehensively appraise and select
藻 zhēn zǎo to discern talent
试 zhēn shì selection test; admission exam
試 zhēn shì selection test; admission exam
選 zhēn xuǎn to select; to pick
录 zhēn lù to employ by an examination
錄 zhēn lù to employ by an examination
陶 zhēn táo to make sth of clay; to appraise people of talent
táo zhēn to mold and educate people
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