HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 884th character |
RADICAL | ⽟ (96.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1774 |
class, group, grade; squad; job
- class, group, grade
- squad
- job
- surname Ban
- team
- class
- squad
- work shift
- ranking
- CL:個|个[ge4]
- classifier for groups

上班 shàng bān | to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office |
航班 háng bān | scheduled flight; flight number; plane; scheduled sailing; sailing number; passenger ship |
加班 jiā bān | to work overtime |
值班 zhí bān | to work a shift; on duty |
西班牙 xī bān yá | Spain |
下班 xià bān | to finish work; to get off work |
西班牙语 xī bān yá yǔ | Spanish language |
夜班 yè bān | night shift |
班机 bān jī | airliner; (regular) flight; CL:趟[tang4],次[ci4],班[ban1] |
跟班 gēn bān | attendant; footman (servant) |
班长 bān zhǎng | class monitor; squad leader; team leader; CL:個|个[ge4] |
班级 bān jí | class (group of students); grade (in school) |
换班 huàn bān | to change shift; the next work shift; to relieve (a workman on the previous shift); to take over the job |
当班 dāng bān | to work one's shift |
轮班 lún bān | shift working |
班车 bān chē | regular bus (service) |
塔利班 tǎ lì bān | Taliban (Farsi: student), Afghan guerrilla faction |
按部就班 àn bù jiù bān | to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom) |
全班 quán bān | the whole class |
早班 zǎo bān | early shift; morning work shift |
接班人 jiē bān rén | successor |
领班 lǐng bān | supervisor; foreman; head waiter or waitress |
同班 tóng bān | to be in the same class; to be in the same squad; classmate |
培训班 péi xùn bān | training class |
班房 bān fáng | jail |