xuàn xuán

deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95



玄 xuán
  • black
  • mysterious


玄 stroke order diagram
玄 stroke order animation


机 xuán jī profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism); mysterious principles
乎 xuán hū unreliable; incredible
妙 xuán miào mysterious; profound; abstruse
故弄虚 gù nòng xuán xū deliberately mystifying; to make sth unnecessarily complicated
武岩 xuán wǔ yán basalt (geology); lava
学 xuán xué Wei and Jin philosophical school amalgamating Daoist and Confucian ideals; translation of metaphysics (also translated 形而上學|形而上学)
之又 xuán zhī yòu xuán mystery within a mystery; the mysteries of the Dao according to Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3]
孙 xuán sūn great-great-grandson
九天女 jiǔ tiān xuán nǚ Xuan Nü, a fairy in Chinese mythology
宗 táng xuán zōng Tang Emperor Xuanzong (685-762), also known as Emperor Ming of Tang 唐明皇[Tang2 Ming2 huang2], reign name of seventh Tang emperor 李隆基[Li3 Long1 ji1], reigned 712-756
天地黄 tiān dì xuán huáng first line of the Thousand Character Classic 千字文[Qian1 zi4 wen2]
天地黃 tiān dì xuán huáng first line of the Thousand Character Classic 千字文[Qian1 zi4 wen2]
龄 fáng xuán líng Fang Xuanling (579-648), Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Jin dynasty 晉書|晋书
齡 fáng xuán líng Fang Xuanling (579-648), Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Jin dynasty 晉書|晋书
故弄虛 gù nòng xuán xū deliberately mystifying; to make sth unnecessarily complicated
枕状武岩 zhěn zhuàng xuán wǔ yán pillow lava (geology); pillow basalt
枕狀武岩 zhěn zhuàng xuán wǔ yán pillow lava (geology); pillow basalt
huán xuán Huan Xuan (369-404), general involved in the break-up of Eastern Jin
yuān xuán profundity; depth
yuān xuán profundity; depth
参 xuán shēn Ningpo figwort (Scrophularia ningpoensis); root of Ningpo figwort (used in TCM)
參 xuán shēn Ningpo figwort (Scrophularia ningpoensis); root of Ningpo figwort (used in TCM)
圃 xuán pǔ mythical fairyland on Kunlun Mountain 崑崙|昆仑[Kun1 lun2]
奘 xuán zàng Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645
奥 xuán ào abstruse; profound mystery; the mysteries of the universe
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