


  • lion
  • lion


人頭身 rén tóu shī shēn sphinx
座 xiǎo shī zuò Leo Minor (constellation)
shān shī mountain lion
河東 hé dōng shī shrew; see also 河東獅吼|河东狮吼[He2 dong1 shi1 hou3]
河東吼 hé dōng shī hǒu lit. the lioness from Hedong roars (idiom); fig. refers to a shrewish wife or a henpecked husband
hǎi shī sea lion
城 shī chéng Lion city, nickname for Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]
子 shī zǐ Leo (star sign); Shihtzu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
子 shī zi lion; CL:隻|只[zhi1],頭|头[tou2]
子山 shī zi shān Sierra Leone (Tw); Shizishan or Lion Mountain; Shizishan district of Tongling city 銅陵市|铜陵市[Tong2 ling2 shi4], Anhui
子山區 shī zi shān qū Shizishan district of Tongling city 銅陵市|铜陵市[Tong2 ling2 shi4], Anhui
子座 shī zi zuò Leo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
子林園 shī zi lín yuán Lion Grove Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu
子狗 shī zi gǒu Pekingese; Pekinese
子鄉 shī zǐ xiāng Shihtzu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
子頭 shī zi tóu lit. lion's head; pork meatballs
尾狒 shī wěi fèi gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey similar to baboon; also written 吉爾達|吉尔达[ji2 er3 da2]
心王理查 shī xīn wáng lǐ chá Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199), King Richard I of England 1189-1199
泉河 shī quán hé Sengge Tsangpo or Shiquan River in west Tibet, the upper reaches of the Indus
潭 shī tán Shitan or Shihtan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
潭鄉 shī tán xiāng Shitan or Shihtan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
虎獸 shī hǔ shòu liger, hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress
身人面像 shī shēn rén miàn xiàng sphinx
頭石竹 shī tóu shí zhú grenadine; carnation; clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)
ruì shī Rui Shi, Auspicious Lions of Chinese mythology
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