wěi wèi

vulgar, low, cheap; wanton; obscene



猥 wěi
  • humble
  • rustic
  • plentiful


猥 stroke order diagram
猥 stroke order animation


亵 wěi xiè obscene; indecent; to molest
琐 wěi suǒ wretched (esp. appearance); vulgar
yín wěi obscene; indecent
獕 wěi cuī vulgar; despicable; abject
瑣 wěi suǒ wretched (esp. appearance); vulgar
褻 wěi xiè obscene; indecent; to molest
亵性暴露 wěi xiè xìng bào lù indecent exposure; flashing
褻性暴露 wěi xiè xìng bào lù indecent exposure; flashing
无厌 tān wěi wú yàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
無厭 tān wěi wú yàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
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