abruptly, suddenly; abrupt



  • abruptly, suddenly
  • abrupt
  • abrupt
  • sudden
  • unexpected


猝 stroke order diagram
猝 stroke order animation


死 cù sǐ sudden death (in medicine, sporting competitions etc)
不及防 cù bù jí fáng to be caught off guard; without warning
然 cù rán suddenly; abruptly
cāng cù variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]
cāng cù variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]
cōng cù hurried; hasty; abrupt
婴儿死综合症 yīng ér cù sǐ zōng hé zhèng sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); crib death
嬰兒死綜合症 yīng ér cù sǐ zōng hé zhèng sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); crib death
发 cù fā abrupt; suddenly
發 cù fā abrupt; suddenly
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