



狸 lí
  • raccoon dog
  • fox-like animal
  • variant of 狸[li2]


狸 stroke order diagram
狸 stroke order animation


hú li fox; fig. sly and treacherous person
hǎi lí beaver
精 hú li jīng fox-spirit; vixen; witch; enchantress
尾巴 hú li wěi ba lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intentions; to reveal one's evil nature; evidence that reveals the villain
老狐 lǎo hú li old fox; fig. cunning person
猫 lí māo leopard cat; raccoon dog; palm civet
hé lí beaver
子 lí zi leopard cat
果子 guǒ zi lí masked palm civet (Paguma larvata)
zhǎo lí meerkat; see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
zhǎo li see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
鼠 hǎi lí shǔ coypu; nutria
xióng lí binturong or bearcat (Arctictis binturong)
座 hú li zuò Vulpecula (constellation)
貓 lí māo leopard cat; raccoon dog; palm civet
穷鼠啮 qióng shǔ niè lí a desperate rat will bite the fox (idiom); the smallest worm will turn being trodden on
窮鼠嚙 qióng shǔ niè lí a desperate rat will bite the fox (idiom); the smallest worm will turn being trodden on
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