special, unique, distinguished

HSK 3 #173


特 tè
  • special
  • unique
  • distinguished
  • especially
  • unusual
  • very
  • abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex



斯普尼克 sī pǔ tè ní kè Sputnik, Soviet artificial Earth satellite
凡诺普洛斯 sī tè fán nuò pǔ luò sī Stephanopoulos (e.g. former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos)
凡諾普洛斯 sī tè fán nuò pǔ luò sī Stephanopoulos (e.g. former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos)
斯瓦 sī wǎ tè Swat province in Pakistani Northwest Frontier
斯瓦谷地 sī wǎ tè gǔ dì Swat valley in Pakistani Northwest Frontier
斯萊林 sī lái tè lín Slytherin (Harry Potter)
勞斯 shī tè láo sī Strauss (name); Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer; Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer
日惹区 rì yě tè qū Special Region of Yogyakarta, region of Java, Indonesia
日惹區 rì yě tè qū Special Region of Yogyakarta, region of Java, Indonesia
普里切 pǔ lǐ qiè tè Pratchett (name)
普魯斯 pǔ lǔ sī tè Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French author
曼徹斯 màn chè sī tè Manchester
曼彻斯编码 màn chè sī tè biān mǎ Manchester encoding
曼徹斯編碼 màn chè sī tè biān mǎ Manchester encoding
本內 běn nèi tè Bennett (surname)
朱庇 zhū bì tè Jupiter (Roman god)
李斯氏杆菌 lǐ sī tè shì gǎn jūn listeria bacillus
李斯氏桿菌 lǐ sī tè shì gǎn jūn listeria bacillus
李斯氏菌 lǐ sī tè shì jūn listeria bacillus
李斯菌 lǐ sī tè jūn Listeria monocytogene
杜爾伯 dù ěr bó tè Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
杜尔伯县 dù ěr bó tè xiàn Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
杜爾伯縣 dù ěr bó tè xiàn Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
杜尔伯蒙古族自治县 dù ěr bó tè měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
杜爾伯蒙古族自治縣 dù ěr bó tè měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang