
you; that, those; final particle


爾 ěr
  • variant of 爾|尔[er3]
  • thus
  • so
  • like that
  • you
  • thou


塔什庫干鄉 tǎ shí kù ěr gān xiāng Taxkorgan township in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
塔塔 tǎ tǎ ěr Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang
塔塔族 tǎ tǎ ěr zú Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang
寺 tǎ ěr sì Kumbum (Chinese Ta'er), monastery in Qinhai, formerly Amdo province of Tibet
塔瑪 tǎ mǎ ěr Tamar (name)
塞內加 sài nèi jiā ěr Senegal
塞席 sè xí ěr the Seychelles (Tw)
南 sài ěr nán Eugene Cernan (1934-), US astronaut in Apollo 10 and Apollo 17 missions, "last man on the moon"
特 sāi ěr tè Celtic
特語 sāi ěr tè yǔ Celtic language
維亞 sāi ěr wéi yà Serbia
維亞克羅地亞語 sāi ěr wéi yà kè luó dì yà yǔ Serbo-Croatian (language)
維亞和黑山 sāi ěr wéi yà hé hēi shān Serbia and Montenegro (after break-up of Yugoslavia in 1992)
維亞語 sāi ěr wéi yà yǔ Serbian (language)
達 sài ěr dá Zelda (in Legend of Zelda video game)
塞瓦斯托波 sāi wǎ sī tuō bō ěr Sevastopol
塞繆 sāi miù ěr Samuel (name)
塞繆・約翰遜 sāi miù ěr ・ yuē hàn xùn Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) or Dr Johnson, English writer and lexicographer
塞舌 sài shé ěr the Seychelles
塞舌群島 sài shé ěr qún dǎo the Seychelles
本 mò ěr běn Melbourne, Australia
缽 mò ěr bō see 墨爾本|墨尔本[Mo4 er3 ben3]
巴人 xià ěr bā rén Sherpa
多伊 duō yī ěr Doyle (name)
多佛 duō fó ěr Dover