
you; that, those; final particle


爾 ěr
  • variant of 爾|尔[er3]
  • thus
  • so
  • like that
  • you
  • thou


紐卡斯 niǔ kǎ sī ěr Newcastle (place name)
suǒ ěr Thor (Norse god of thunder)
仁尼琴 suǒ ěr rén ní qín Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer, prominent Soviet dissident, author of the Gulag Archipelago
茲伯里平原 suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ píng yuán Salisbury plain
茲伯里石環 suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ shí huán Stonehenge; Salisbury stone circle
索緒 suǒ xù ěr Saussure (name)
維吉 wéi jí ěr Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman poet and author of the Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀|埃涅阿斯纪[Ai1 nie4 a1 si1 Ji4]
維吾 wéi wú ěr Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang
維吾人 wéi wú ěr rén Uighur person or people
維吾族 wéi wú ěr zú Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang
維吾語 wéi wú ěr yǔ Uighur language
容 wéi ěr róng (Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South African ambassador to Taiwan)
斯特拉斯 wéi ěr sī tè lā sī Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German mathematician
紐斯 wéi ěr niǔ sī Vilnius, capital of Lithuania
羅伯斯庇 luó bó sī bì ěr Robespierre (name); Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (1758-1794), French revolutionary leader, enthusiastic advocate of reign of terror 1791-1794
羅潔愛之 luó jié ài ěr zhī Raziel, archangel in Judaism
定理 luó ěr dìng lǐ Rolle's theorem (in calculus)
斯・羅伊斯 luó ěr sī ・ luó yī sī Rolls-Royce (UK company); also written 勞斯萊斯|劳斯莱斯[Lao2 si1 Lai2 si1]
羅納多 luó nà ěr duō Ronaldo (name); Cristiano Ronaldo (1985-), Portuguese soccer player
美尼氏綜合症 měi ní ěr shì zōng hé zhèng Meniere's disease (loss of balance after stroke)
美尼病 měi ní ěr bìng Meniere's disease (loss of balance after stroke)
美屬維京群島 měi shǔ wéi ěr jīng qún dǎo United States Virgin Islands (USVI)
聖皮埃和密克隆 shèng pí āi ěr hé mì kè lóng Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
聖薩瓦多 shèng sà ěr wǎ duō San Salvador, capital of El Salvador
職業高夫球協會 zhí yè gāo ěr fū qiú xié huì Professional Golfer's Association (PGA)