HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 394th character |
RADICAL | ⽖ (87.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1987 |
love, be fond of, like
爱 ài |

可爱 kě ài | adorable; cute; lovely |
爱好 ài hào | to like; to take pleasure in; keen on; fond of; interest; hobby; appetite for; CL:個|个[ge4] |
爱情 ài qíng | romance; love (romantic); CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4] |
亲爱 qīn ài | dear; beloved; darling |
恋爱 liàn ài | (romantic) love; CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]; in love; to have an affair |
热爱 rè ài | to love ardently; to adore |
爱心 ài xīn | compassion; kindness; care for others; love; CL:片[pian4]; charity (bazaar, golf day etc); heart (the symbol ♥) |
爱护 ài hù | to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect |
疼爱 téng ài | to love dearly |
爱惜 ài xī | to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly |
爱戴 ài dài | to love and respect; love and respect |
爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu | to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly |
爱上 ài shàng | to fall in love with; to be in love with |
做爱 zuò ài | to make love |
爱尔兰 ài ěr lán | Ireland |
性爱 xìng ài | sex; lovemaking |
相爱 xiāng ài | to love each other |
爱人 ài ren | spouse (PRC); lover (non-PRC); CL:個|个[ge4] |
喜爱 xǐ ài | to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite |
爱德华 ài dé huá | Edward; Édouard (name) |
爱河 ài hé | the river of love; a stumbling block on the path to enlightenment (Buddhism) |
心爱 xīn ài | beloved |
爱好者 ài hào zhě | lover (of art, sports etc); amateur; enthusiast; fan |
爱因斯坦 ài yīn sī tǎn | Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist |
挚爱 zhì ài | true love |