HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1426th character |
RADICAL | ⽖ (87.4) |
INDEX # | 1161 |
crawl, creep; climb; scramble
- crawl, creep
- climb
- scramble
- to crawl
- to climb
- to get up or sit up

爬山 pá shān | to climb a mountain; to mountaineer; hiking; mountaineering |
爬行 pá xíng | to crawl; to creep |
爬虫 pá chóng | reptile; (Internet) web crawler |
爬升 pá shēng | to rise; to ascend; to climb (airplane etc); to go up (sales figures etc); to gain promotion |
爬行动物 pá xíng dòng wù | reptile |
摸爬滚打 mō pá gǔn dǎ | to go through challenging experiences; to become seasoned (in one's profession etc) |
爬格子 pá gé zi | (oral) to write (esp. for a living); to spell out laboriously on squared paper |
爬山虎 pá shān hǔ | Boston ivy or Japanese creeper (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) |
人往高处爬,水往低处流 rén wǎng gāo chù pá , shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú | see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流[ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 , shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2] |
人往高處爬,水往低處流 rén wǎng gāo chù pá , shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú | see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流[ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 , shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2] |
吃里爬外 chī lǐ pá wài | to work against the interests of sb one derives support from; to double-cross one's employer; to bite the hand that feeds you |
吃裡爬外 chī lǐ pá wài | to work against the interests of sb one derives support from; to double-cross one's employer; to bite the hand that feeds you |
摸爬滾打 mō pá gǔn dǎ | to go through challenging experiences; to become seasoned (in one's profession etc) |
攀爬 pān pá | to climb |
横爬行 héng pá xíng | to walk sideways; crab-wise |
橫爬行 héng pá xíng | to walk sideways; crab-wise |
爬上 pá shàng | to climb up |
爬山涉水 pá shān shè shuǐ | to climb mountains and wade rivers (idiom); fig. to make a long and difficult journey |
爬梳 pá shū | to comb through (historical documents etc); to unravel |
爬泳 pá yǒng | crawl (swimming stroke) |
爬灰 pá huī | incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law; also written 扒灰 |
爬墙 pá qiáng | to climb a wall; (fig.) to be unfaithful |
爬牆 pá qiáng | to climb a wall; (fig.) to be unfaithful |
爬犁 pá lí | sledge |
爬竿 pá gān | pole-climbing (as gymnastics or circus act); climbing pole |