zhǎo zhuǎ

claw, nail, talon; animal feet



爪 zhǎo
  • foot of a bird or animal
  • paw
  • claws
  • talons
爪 zhuǎ
  • (coll.) foot of an animal or bird
  • (coll.) foot supporting a cooking pot etc


爪 stroke order diagram
爪 stroke order animation


哇池鷺 zhǎo wā chí lù (bird species of China) Javan pond heron (Ardeola speciosa)
哇禾雀 zhǎo wā hé què (bird species of China) Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora)
尖儿 zhuǎ jiān r pig's trotters
尖兒 zhuǎ jiān r pig's trotters
机 zhuǎ jī (Internet slang) mobile phone
機 zhuǎ jī (Internet slang) mobile phone
蟾 zhuǎ chán Xenopus (type of frog)
jiǎo zhǎo paw; claw
派 hǔ zhuǎ pài Hu Zhua Pai - "Tiger Claw Sytem" - Martial Art
兰 xiè zhuǎ lán holiday cactus
蘭 xiè zhuǎ lán holiday cactus
西哇 xī zhǎo wā West Java, province of Indonesia
鹀 tiě zhǎo wú (bird species of China) Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
鵐 tiě zhǎo wú (bird species of China) Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
雪泥鸿 xuě ní hóng zhǎo a goose's footprint in the snow; vestiges of the past (idiom); the fleeting nature of human life (idiom)
雪泥鴻 xuě ní hóng zhǎo a goose's footprint in the snow; vestiges of the past (idiom); the fleeting nature of human life (idiom)
飞鸿雪 fēi hóng xuě zhuǎ see 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪[xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3]
飛鴻雪 fēi hóng xuě zhuǎ see 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪[xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3]
fèng zhǎo chicken feet (cuisine)
fèng zhǎo chicken feet (cuisine)
翻子拳 yīng zhuǎ fān zi quán Ying Zhua Fan Zi Quan - "Eagle Claw" - Martial Art
翻子拳 yīng zhuǎ fān zi quán Ying Zhua Fan Zi Quan - "Eagle Claw" - Martial Art
隼 huáng zhuǎ sǔn (bird species of China) lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
隼 huáng zhuǎ sǔn (bird species of China) lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)