fireplace, stove, oven, furnace


  • fireplace, stove, oven, furnace
  • stove
  • furnace
  • variant of 爐|炉[lu2]
  • rutherfordium (chemistry)


冶煉 yě liàn lú a furnace for smelting metal
chū lú to take out of the furnace; fresh out of the oven; fig. newly announced; recently made available
反應 fǎn yìng lú (nuclear etc) reactor
另起灶 lìng qǐ lú zào lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch; back to square one; to start of on a new path
sī lú stoker (worker operating a coal fire, esp. for a steam engine)
huí lú to melt down; to remelt (metals); fig. to acquire new education; to bake again
dì lú fire pit
bì lú fireplace
大熔 dà róng lú lit. large smelting furnace; fig. the mixing of different ethnicities and cultures; Melting Pot
大融 dà róng lú melting pot
座 tiān lú zuò Fornax (constellation)
微波 wēi bō lú microwave oven; CL:臺|台[tai2]
打邊 dǎ biān lú (Cantonese) to eat hot pot; hot pot
新出 xīn chū lú fresh out of the oven; fig. novelty just announced; recently made available
nuǎn lú space heater; radiator
水波 shuǐ bō lú superheated steam oven
hóng lú great furnace (metaphor for a place where character is forged)
huǒ lú stove
hōng lú oven
kǎo lú oven (PRC)
焚屍 fén shī lú crematorium; crematory oven
jiāo lú coking furnace
duàn lú forge; fig. extremely hot environment
煉丹八卦 liàn dān bā guà lú eight trigrams furnace to cook pills of immortality; symbol of the alchemist's art; Double, double toil and trouble, Fire burn, and cauldron bubble
煉焦 liàn jiāo lú coking furnace
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