
encampment, barracks; manage


營 yíng
  • camp
  • barracks
  • battalion
  • to build
  • to operate
  • to manage
  • to strive for


業時候 yíng yè shí hou opening hours (shop, bank, restaurant)
業時間 yíng yè shí jiān time of business; opening hours (of shop); working time
業稅 yíng yè shuì tax on turnover; sales tax
業額 yíng yè é sum or volume of business; turnover
求 yíng qiú to seek; to strive for
生 yíng shēng to earn a living
生 yíng sheng (coll.) job; work
盤 yíng pán Yingpan, common place name ("army camp"); place near Jintian village 金田村[Jin1 tian2 cun1] in Guangxi where the Taiping Tianguo rebels took their oaths in 1851; place in Xinfeng county 新豐縣|新丰县[Xin1 feng1 Xian4] traditional camping place of brigands; Yingpan township, place name; Yingpan in Shangluo prefecture, Shaanxi; Yingpan township in Yunnan; (many others); military camp; nomadic camp
盤鎮 yíng pán zhèn Yingpan township, place name; Yingpan in Shangluo prefecture, Shaanxi; Yingpan township in Yunnan; (many others)
私 yíng sī to gain from corrupt dealing; to engage in graft; to feather one's nest
私舞弊 yíng sī wǔ bì see 徇私舞弊[xun4 si1 wu3 bi4]
謀 yíng móu to do business; to manage; to strive for; to use every possible means (toward a goal)
辦 yíng bàn to handle; to undertake; to run (a business); to administer
造 yíng zào to build (housing); to construct; to make
造商 yíng zào shāng builder; contractor
運 yíng yùn running; operation (of airport, bus service, business etc)
運資金 yíng yùn zī jīn working capital
運長 yíng yùn zhǎng chief operating officer (COO) (Tw)
銷 yíng xiāo marketing
長 yíng zhǎng battalion commander
養 yíng yǎng nutrition; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3]
養不良 yíng yǎng bù liáng malnutrition; undernourishment; deficiency disease; dystrophy
養品 yíng yǎng pǐn nourishment; nutrient
養學 yíng yǎng xué nutriology
養師 yíng yǎng shī nutritionist; dietitian