hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal


  • hot
  • heat
  • fever
  • restless
  • zeal
  • to warm up
  • to heat up
  • hot (of weather)
  • heat
  • fervent


七日 qī rì rè leptospirosis
三分鐘度 sān fēn zhōng rè dù brief period of enthusiasm; flash in the pan
五講四美三愛 wǔ jiǎng sì měi sān rè ài the five emphases, four beauties and three loves (PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism)
帶 yà rè dài subtropical (zone or climate)
bàn rè steam or heat tracing
dī rè a low fever (up to 38°C)
gōng rè heating (for a building); to supply heating
chuán rè heat transfer; heat transmission
學 zhuàn rè xué theory of heat; heat transmission (physics)
病 tù rè bìng tularemia; rabbit fever
內行看門道,外行看鬧 nèi háng kàn mén dao , wài háng kàn rè nao while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show
典型登革 diǎn xíng dēng gé rè dengue fever
冰炭不言,冷自明 bīng tàn bù yán , lěng rè zì míng ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words
冷嘲諷 lěng cháo rè fěng frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule
度數 lěng rè dù shù temperature (esp. of medical patient)
病 lěng rè bìng malaria
出血性登革 chū xuè xìng dēng gé rè dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
出血 chū xuè rè hemorrhage fever
帶 fù rè dài subtropical (zone or climate)
jiā rè to heat
原始帶雨林 yuán shǐ rè dài yǔ lín virgin tropical rainforest
shòu rè heated; sunstroke
xī rè heat absorption
回歸 huí guī rè recurring fever
固體容激光器 gù tǐ rè róng jī guāng qì solid state hot condensed laser (SSHCL)
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