yíng xíng jiǒng

shine, shimmer; shining, dazzling


熒 yíng
  • a glimmer
  • glimmering
  • twinkling
  • fluorescence
  • phosphorescence
  • perplexed
  • dazzled and confused
  • planet Mars (arch.)


光 yíng guāng fluorescence; fluorescent
光屏 yíng guāng píng fluorescent screen; TV screen
光幕 yíng guāng mù screen (of a TV, computer etc) (Tw)
光棒 yíng guāng bàng glow stick; light stick
光燈 yíng guāng dēng fluorescent lamp; neon lamp
光筆 yíng guāng bǐ highlighter (pen)
屏 yíng píng fluorescent screen; TV screen
幕 yíng mù TV screen
惑 yíng huò to bewilder; to dazzle and confuse; the planet Mars
惑星 yíng huò xīng Mars in traditional Chinese astronomy
yíng yíng a glimmer; twinkling (of stars, phosphorescence, candlelight); flickering light
金碧煌 jīn bì yíng huáng splendid in green and gold (idiom); looking radiant
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