HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 443rd character |
RADICAL | ⽕ (86.9) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2911 |
shine, illumine, reflect
- shine, illumine, reflect
- surname Zhao
- variant of 照[zhao4]
- to shine
- to illuminate
- according to
- in accordance with
- to reflect
- to look at (one's reflection)
- to take (a photo)
- photo
- as requested
- as before

照片 zhào piàn | photograph; picture; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2] |
照顾 zhào gu | to take care of; to show consideration; to attend to; to look after |
护照 hù zhào | passport; CL:本[ben3],個|个[ge4] |
照相机 zhào xiàng jī | camera; CL:個|个[ge4],架[jia4],部[bu4],台[tai2],隻|只[zhi1] |
按照 àn zhào | according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of |
执照 zhí zhào | license; permit |
照常 zhào cháng | as usual |
关照 guān zhào | to take care; to keep an eye on; to look after; to tell; to remind |
照样 zhào yàng | as before; (same) as usual; in the same manner; still; nevertheless |
照耀 zhào yào | to shine; to illuminate |
参照 cān zhào | to consult a reference; to refer to (another document) |
对照 duì zhào | to contrast; to compare; to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts); to check |
拍照 pāi zhào | to take a picture |
照看 zhào kàn | to look after; to attend to; to have in care |
驾照 jià zhào | driver's license |
照相 zhào xiàng | to take a photograph |
照料 zhào liào | to tend; to take care of sb |
牌照 pái zhào | (business) licence; vehicle licence; car registration; licence plate |
照办 zhào bàn | to follow the rules; to do as instructed; to play by the book; to comply with a request |
照亮 zhào liàng | to illuminate; to light up; lighting |
依照 yī zhào | according to; in light of |
遵照 zūn zhào | in accordance with; to follow (the rules) |
照明 zhào míng | lighting; illumination |
照射 zhào shè | to shine on; to light up; to irradiate |
照旧 zhào jiù | as before; as in the past |